User Testimonials

See how some of our users utilize and value our products and services!

I’m a serial entrepeneur, and I rely heavily on Qubit Shield to future-proof my whole tech stack and data pipeline with its encryption technologies based on Quantum Key Distribution. I understand the threat of quantum cyber hacking in the near future, and I want my start-ups to be immune to this upcoming epidemic. I also appreciate the regular audits on my data security that give updates on potential new vulnerabilities to future attacks.

I invest my mother’s life savings in crypto. Upon hearing about the decrypting abilities of quantum algorithms, I became terrified that a malicious actor may hack my digital asset wallet using quantum computing, especially since crypto is relatively unregulated. For this reason, I signed up for Qubit Shield’s regular audits on my data security that gives me updates on potential new vulnerabilities to quantum attacks. I will soon encrypt my crypto data in Qubit Shield’s Data Vault.